Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Monday and as promised, I am pissed.

Clearly one would wonder how in the hell could I be so pissed considering I have only been awake for an hour or so.

Well, that's life, bitch. Sometimes we wake up ready to shank a fool, or sometimes a bitch will do something over the weekend that you promptly have to deal with AS SOON AS YOU WALK INTO YOUR SHIT-TAY job Monday morning. I'll let you take a guess which scenario got me to where I am right now (ready to shank a bitch, PAY ATTENTION!)

So, without mentioning names, (like it would matter, this zombie is cooked) I recently hired a girl, I MEAN GROWN ASS WOMAN, we will call her Raggie. She has been here for quite a while and has had some trouble mastering the easy tasks. Even with my black, black, heart I mustered some sympathy for her "situation." Without going into too much detail, she was going through a rough time and I thought maybe her mind was elsewhere. Not on the fantastical experience that is retail.

BUT, that said, what we do here is not rocket science or even elementary education for that matter. So, you would think for a person of her caliber (college graduate) this would be as easy as smoking the crack pipe, right? WRONG-O. WROOOOOOOOOOONG-O.

To make the longest months of my life short, I will give you the simple breakdown of the stupid shit I have to deal with on the daily, starting with the most recent...

-Broke the key off INSIDE the register. (this is what led me to this here blog)
Then proceeded to tell me the key "magically" broke off, she wasn't even touching it. Funny stuff, Raggie. You slay me.

-Refunds customers for items that they never even purchased, THEN manages to not actually refund them at all, but double charge them.

-Sets off the alarm to the building for no reason and cannot seem to figure out why the cops keep coming.

-Calls here and when I answer the phone asks "Is Raggie there?" Um, hello....YOU ARE RAGGIE! Raggie calling Raggie, what the hay kind of freaky charades is this? Where is your foil hat when you need it?

Oh I could go on, but do you really need to hear it? I think you get the point. And the sad thing is I like this girl/woman/head case, but my tolerance is running thin and I expect a major shit storm is a brewing on my end. And when my Mt. Vesuvius blows, that stuff is of the devil, it will burn your face right off. It will also cut off my own nose to spite my face, but people like me never care about those kind of consequences. We rumble on through and shoot ourselves in the head later.

Love and Kisses,

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